Wednesday, December 30, 2009

28 w 2 day u/s

Sorry for the delay in updating. Time fly's when you are having fun.
The weighs in at approximately 2 pounds 12 ounces which means at full turn...he should be at least 7 pounds. Now thats my kind of baby.
From the profile pic...he has the bone structure of his daddy. Looks to have missed mommies eyes too. So my little boy will look like a little boy. He has nice longer legs and a normal sized head. His heart beat was 145 beats per minute. He is head down with his head facing left. His booty is under my right rib and he had his legs bent with his feet under his booty. I am certain that that is no longer his current position because he has done some massive stretches tonight.

We are so excited about the way our lives will change once he born. Me learning not to work so hard will be the biggest obstacle. We have decided to breastfeed. Since the beginning of this process, I have looked forward to this bonding time with my son. I know it will be challenging because I would not like to pump for the first few weeks.

We are finishing his nursery this week. Pictures to come.

I am a little sad that this pregnancy will be coming to an end so soon. It has been the experience of a life time. I have enjoyed every part of this ...even the bad parts. It is amazing how short my memory is of the bad parts. I can't wait to meet this guy but then I will have to share him with the world. Right now...he is all about his mama. Selfish I know...but true. I am looking forward to my yoga classes to get ready for my natural birthing. On to 32 weeks...!